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MBABANE– The first Mbabane Health Fair was an all-round success.

The health fair was themed ‘Sukuma Unake Imphilo Yakho’ and was an initiative by the Municipal Council of Mbabane to bring health services closer to Mbabane residents.

The health fair was held on Saturday, March 18, 2023, behind the Council Civil Offices.

The day kicked off with some aerobics and moved on to provide residents with a wide range of free services including Child Immunization, Birth Control, Cervical and Breast Cancer Screening, HIV Testing, Diabetes tests, and blood donations just to name a few.

Most residents expressed gratitude for the services provided by the Mbabane Municipality.

Lethukuthula Dludlu, a Mbabane citizen, mentioned that her son came down with flue on Friday but was not able to get medication at the clinic she had taken him to.

“I was able to receive free medication that I was not able to get at the clinic I had gone to. I am grateful to the council’s directive of bringing services closer to us and I hope there will be more health fairs to come,” said Dludlu.

Below are scenes from the health fair, Pics sourced from the Municipal Council of Mbabane.

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