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… Release date of results not yet released- MoET PS


MBABANE– A number of Eswatini General Certificate of Secondary Education (EGCSE have reported being anxious over the coming results.

The class of 2022 sat for exams in last year October and have been waiting for their results since then, some of the pupils however mentioned that they were hopeful and optimistic that they performed well

Sihle Malambe from St Theresa’s High School said she was ready for her next phase in the education sector which is tertiary.

“I tend to look at the current delay of results as a chance to prepare myself for tertiary and really figure out what I’m going to do when I get my results,” she said.

Begging to differ and relay her anxiety and fear was Malunge High School scholar Nok’phila Shiba who said she feared the worst and that she did not know what to expect.

“Not knowing when the results will come out and not having a date to at least look forward to is stressful because it fuels my overthinking and anxiety,” said Shiba.

Another male pupil from Elangeni High School said the delay was a bit inconsiderate but they as pupils understood there could be a good reason behind it.

Mancoba Dlamini said he believed everyone involved with marking and making sure results are released is working extra hard to make sure that they are.

“Something’s we cannot change, delays are bound to happen we just need to focus on the end goal which is our results. For now, the anxiety is lying to us we did very well,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Education and Training Principal Secretary (PS) Bhekithemba Gama said they did not have a date yet, he said his duty would be to check with the Examinations Council of Eswatini (ECESWA). A questionnaire sent to ECESWA Communication Office had not been answered during the compilation of this article.