22 14


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MBABANE – Employees in Eswatini might soon have the option to work four days in a week instead of five.

This was revealed today during the media briefing for the 2023 Labour Seminar by the Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration Council (CMAC).

The 2023 Labour Seminar will be held under the theme of ‘Flexibility in Employment Contact’, and it is scheduled for Thursday. This was revealed during a press conference that was giving updates of the seminar.

Other discussions will include the COVID-19 pandemic’s effects on business, the nature of employment, as well as the workplaces. This was revealed by CMAC director Lomkhosi Magagula.

“We will be considering what we have done since coming out of the COVID-19 pandemic. As unions, businesses, Government, as well as employees – how have we managed wit h industrial relations in our workplaces. As we take stock of these issues, we will also discuss what we have learned and what we plan to do in the future,” said Magagula.

“Primarily, the seminar itself intends to be a thought leadership platform which will ensure that leading topics on labour relations are discussed and shared among stakeholders in the industrial space,” added Magagula.

She also emphasised that the seminar is meant to be inclusive as participants will include all stakeholders in industry; SMME’s, large corporates, employees, Government as well as unions.