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… pick up points and routes announced


MBABANE – The government has offered free transport for the upcoming national prayer.

The announcement was made today by the National Prayer Steering Committee Chairman Bishop Mavovo Mkhonto. Bishop Mkhonto revealed that Government had offered eight buses to ferry the public.

announcing free transport availability and other logistics to the National Prayer this coming Saturday. Transport is expected to leave the respective places at 7 am.

Gege Mankayaye, Hlane Royal Residence, Mpumalanga Royal Residence, Hluthi Police Station, and Sandleni Inkhundla.

FREE TRANSPORT TO NATIONAL PRAYER FOR ELECTIONS: Chairperson of the organising committee for the national prayer has announced that transport will be available to take the public freely to the National Church (Esontfweni Lesive) at Lobamba where there will be a prayer service for the 2023 General Elections, peace and economy … Read more in tomorrow’s publication.

“I would like to emphasise that we keep time, as the official departure time is 7 am. This means that by 7 am, we should be seated in the buses and ready to depart,” noted Mkhonta.