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…as Untiltled Discourse hosts second conversation


MBABANE – “GBV has lasting effects on survivors and their families and discussing it, we want to raise awareness of the different types of violence and how individuals, and communities can take action to prevent it and contribute to survivors’ access to services.”

This was the explanation given by Gcinaphi Ndlovu when answering why Untitled Discourse is hosting a discussion on Gender-Based Violence. Ndlovu will be the guest moderator for the discussion, which will be held at the Amercan Spaces at the Manzini Library, on December 15.

“Everyone is affected one way or another, directly or indirectly, and whether they know it or not. Therefore, this discussion is for everyone, especially those who want to learn, share, and contribute something meaningful,” said Ndlovu.

She added that the discussions create a platform for self-reflection on one’s gender values, as beliefs and challenges towards survivors are being challenged.


Gcinaphi Ndlovu is a GBC and HIV prevention professional that has been working with adolescent girls and young women to empower them to counter the effects of harmful gender norms and promote confidence building, and informed decision-making. According to her, her passion lies in equipping young people with information, fostering sage spaces and promoting a culture of setting boundaries and good decision-making.

Ndlovu is the guest moderator for the second Untitled Discourse discussion to be held at the American Spaces at the Manzini National Library.

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