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MBABANE– German-based Label ‘Paradise Worldwide’ has developed a distribution service called Direct Pro in Eswatini.

The German label has partnered with ‘The Kitchen’ (a musical stage set in Eswatini) will serve to guide artists into becoming independent and provide distribution, playlisting, release plans, store networks, guidance and feedback.

This was revealed to this reporter by U.K.-born, Eswatini-Based Musician and Producer Hanwah Johnson.

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“The Kitchen stage is devoted to supporting the arts in the country at a grassroots level and acts as a channel connecting artists to the larger stages in the country.

“With this distribution deal, we now have the support to develop artists even further as we grow our ecosystem from performance to production. We call this production branch of our company ‘KOOK’.

“KOOK handles music production, artist development, distribution, graphic design, and also acts as space for rehearsal, studio and equipment hire. We are still guided by the principles that grew us, starting small and slow, maintaining a fair share and having a positive impact on our community and environment.

“We have already started working with a young liSwati artist called Brun.O who was a regular at our Kitchen Stage from last year. His first single ‘Lovers Confession’ will be released very soon under Kook and we can expect to see a live performance at the next kitchen show,” said Johnson. It is worth mentioning that Paradise Worldwide has had a good working relationship with Eswatini as the label has signed two musicians from the Kingdom, namely Qibho Intalektual and Hanwah.

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