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MANZINI – Affording the girl child the same opportunities as boys at school is one of the topics being deliberated on at the on-going FAWEESWA training held at Global Village Guest House in Madonsa.

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The workshop began yesterday. Forum for African Women Eswatini Chapter (FAWEESWA) is an NGO whose mandate is on education and the girl child. The organisation is conducting a five-day training for 30 teachers on Gender Response Pedagogy (GRP).

The attending teachers come from 15 Lubombo region schools. Some of the schools are Mphundle High School, Emnotfweni High School,Hlutse High School,Mafucula High School, and Vuvulane High School.

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Speaking at the workshop today, FAWEESA Director Thandi Shongwe said, “We want to encourage the girl child to continue schooling even after they make the mistake of falling pregnant. They should go back to school and get the same opportunities as boys, so they can uplift the economy.”

Teresa Omondi-Adeitan (deputy Executive Director, FAWE Kenya) also spoke of the importance of affording both genders the same opportunities at school.

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Some of the other topics that will still be discussed at the on-going workshop include peace among students at school and accepting different religions.

Some of the facilitators at the workshop come from the organisation’s Regional Secretariat (Kenya) namely; Naomi Kamitha, Teresa Omondi-Adeitan (Deputy Executive Director FAWE Kenya), Lindiwe Dlamini (Director of Guidance Ministry of Education), Caroline Datche, and Khetswe Dlamini (FAWEESWA Executive Director) represent her organisation, which is FAWE in Nairobi, Kenya.