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MBABANE – “Global fund has given Country Coordinating mechanisms (CCM) a mandate to eliminate tuberculosis, malaria and HIV/AIDS through cross sectoral programs.”
This was said by the Executive Secretary of CCM Eswatini Advocate Dlamini during a capacity-building workshop held yesterday in Matsapha.

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The workshop, attended by CCM members, focused on enhancing their capabilities to effectively address the challenges posed by these three major diseases. Advocate Dlamini emphasized the importance of the meeting.

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“Today what we are going to do, we have the support by Global Fund, we have a consultant all the way from Kenya who is with us for this induction workshop where they are teaching us and refreshing our minds about what is CCM, what is the function of CCM and if we have a good CCM exactly what do you mean and what CCM is supposed to do,” said Dlamini.

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During the event, Global Fund Public Health Specialist John Beku highlighted the collaborative potential of Eswatini in eliminating HIV, TB, and malaria.

“The members here today are the members who are going to oversee the utilization of those resources and some of them are new members so it’s very beautiful but at least in this meeting we gave them the tools, the knowledge and the know how to be able to deliver on the mandate which is to ensure that the resources that targets to eliminate TB, eliminate malaria and end AIDS are well utilized. So, our main objective is to have a team that is very effective,” said Beku in an interview with Eswatini TV.

The workshop aligns with the 2005 declaration on aid effectiveness, emphasizing the commitment to leveraging resources efficiently. The collaborative efforts between CCM Eswatini and the Global Fund signify a step forward in the global fight against these life-threatening diseases.