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MBABANE– The Mbabane Theatre Club was buzzing with lively performances an African musical instruments and people.

This was during the Isintu Festival that was hosted on Saturday evening which was attended by hundreds of locals.

The festival brought together different cultures, traditions and food from all over the African continent to Eswatini.

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Event Organiser Larry Mhlanga revealed to this reporter that he was happy about the turn out and cultural exchange.

“This was the first festival to be hosted in Eswatini and I am really happy about the turn out, the performances and experiences shared during the event.

“Our different guests some form Zimbabwe, Lesotho, Botswana were all in awe of our food, tradition and music.

“This festival helps create bonds and respect for our diverse cultures. It is an initiative by a UK-based Organisation which aims to help in preserving African Cultures and Traditions and I think they really were impressed by the high standard of tradition Eswatini has as a country,” said Mhlanga.

Poet Christian Maz mentioned that Isintu festival was his third and last performance on the day.

“I would like to thank Isintu Festival for having us. I thought I would be burnt out from the two shows I had earlier on today but I really enjoyed performing for the beautiful and receptive crowd,” said the poet.

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Fun lovers mentioned that they enjoyed listening to indigenous instruments and having a taste of traditional foods.

“Honestly I am for the traditional food. I enjoyed tasting the different African food and I just wish there was a place or platform where we could buy the food every day. It is healthy and delicious,” said one Senamile Dlamini.

Banele Msibi said that she was surprised by the different instruments that were being used by different cultures to make music.

“It just shows how creative African people are and that nothing ever goes to waste. I loved every minute of the show,”  said Msibi.