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MBABANE– Locals keen on pursuing their studies should read this!

Today, the Eswatini Government revealed that they were notifying the public of the availability of scholarships. Government did this thorough its online platforms.

“The Ministries of Public Service and Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation notify the public of available Scholarships for the Master of Advanced Studies in European and International Governance (MEIG) tenable in Geneva, Switzerland,” read the notification.

According to a Memo distributed by the Government of Eswatini, scholarships for participants in the master of advanced studies in European and International Governance (MEIG) 2023/2024 are available.

“The Ministries of Public Service and Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation notify the Nation of the above mentioned scholarships tenable in Geneva for the academic year 2023/24. The MEIG is structured in 10 thematic and methodological modules followed by an end-of-study project.

“These modules include Human Rights and Migration, Peace, Security and Humanitarian Affairs, Digital Governance, International Trade and Development, Health and Environment, Climate Change and Public Private Partnerships (PPP) for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

“This scholarship invitation is extended to young professionals working for the private sector or non-governmental organisations or excellent postgraduate students. Interested applicants are advised to submit electronic applications to no later than November 15, 2022. Additional information on the application process can be found on the MEIG website Kindly note that the applicants will be required to apply for the training programme as well as the scholarship simultaneously,” read the Memo.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Communications Officer Sikhumbuzo Bhembe encouraged emaSwati to apply for the scholarship, saying it was government’s primary objective to have more emaSwati educated.