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EZULWINI– The Government of Eswatini has been applauded by stakeholders for the swift dissemination of information. 

This was during the quarterly Media forum, held at Happy Valley Hotel. People in attendance noted the major role played by the government and media in making sure information is given out to the public. 

Nelsiwe Sibiya, in attendance, said COVID-19 and the unrest helped the government be on their toes and making sure, factual information was given out. 

“We are happy with how the government has been giving out information to the public, there has been change in the communication department and it shows,” she said. 

Another said it helped that the government was in charge of the narrative and made sure that only factual information and events are disseminated to the public. 

“The role played by the government has been very visible, we are impressed with how they are in charge of their truth,” said the stakeholder. 

Echoing these sentiments, NERCHA National Executive Director Khanya Mabuza said, the media has always played a good role in matters of HIV and he was happy to see the same energy being extended to the government. 

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Meanwhile, when reacting to the news, Government Spokesperson Alpheous Nxumalo said the observations by the stakeholders were true. 

He further acknowledged the good reviews and said they were happy to receive positive feedback from one of their partners, Nxumalo said this meant they were on the right track and shall continue doing so. 

“Indeed, the media and government have successfully created a positive synergy in order to serve the public effectively with dissemination of information in the country. 

“Government shall forever be appreciative of this good relationship. NERCHA is one of the government agencies that are providing critical and lifesaving information to members of the public hence the need to maintain an open door policy with the members of the fourth estate,” he said.