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…Expo to take place in all four regions of the country.


MBABANE– The Government of Eswatini has handed the youth a lifetime opportunity, where they will be able to be part of the economy growers.

This comes after the Minister of Labour and Social Security Phila Buthelezi launched the four day Career Expo today at the Hilton Inn Garden Hotel in Mbabane.

He said the youth was important and they had a major role to play in the economic growth of the country.

Economic growth refers to an increase in the size of a country’s economy over a period of time. This talks to an increase in the production of economic goods and services in a country.

Buthelezi said all countries want to see an increase in economic growth, year in and year out, including Eswatini.

This is so because economic growth comes with higher income, reduced poverty, better facilities, and improved quality of life for all. Some of the drivers of economic growth include increases in capital goods, technology, and human capital.

The minister went on to say that for the Eswatini economy, unemployment is a major challenge which according to the Integrated Labour Force Survey of 2021, national unemployment rate was recorded at 33 percent and 58 percent represented youth unemployment, which consisted of more than half the total youth in the country.

“This challenge is a result of a combination of factors amongst which are skills mismatches, skills gaps, skills deficiencies and information gaps,” he said.

The Eswatini Career Expo is a national event that endeavours to close some of the gaps with the view to reduce the youth unemployment rate.

The Expo wants to address the entrepreneurial skills and information gaps among the in and out-of-school youth and the marginalized youth as they prepare to explore their career options and the possible opportunities available to them in the job market.

Buthelezi said in this era, entrepreneurial skills are vital in promoting innovation, business growth and competitiveness for economic growth.

“In this regard, the goal of the career expo is to disseminate information on potential career paths and to align their early-identified skills/talents with the current industry,” said Buthelezi.

Meanwhile for the next couple of days, the Eswatini youth (in and out of school) is invited to join this national event themed


There will be sharing and showcasing stories of other young emaSwati, who have taken up some available opportunities and information on different topics such as:

1. Courses/subjects available for different respective career choices.

2. The institutions that offer the means to advance one’s career options.

3. The opportunities that one can access to maximize their chances of career success.

4. Available financial support and business opportunities for young people including those living with disabilities

5. Scholarship opportunities locally and beyond Eswatini

6. Potential mentors.

In conclusion Buthelezi thanked the organizing team for a job well done; and he further expressed his sincere and deep gratitude to the sponsors.

“The mandate is bigger than all of us, and we are here to serve. Thank you,” he said.

To close off Buthelezi quoted Abraham Lincoln and said:

“The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present.” saying that, “The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew and act anew.”


  1. Re:Application for a scholarship next year 2024 for tertiary level.

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