IND MANIPUR OCT2012 SamiSIVA 002 1 1


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.. As forensic audit report on drugs shortages is circulated to stakeholders. 


MBABANE – “A summary of the findings will be shared with the public at a later stage, once all stakeholders give it the green light.”

This was clarified by the Government in a statement released by Government Spokesperson Alpheous Nxumalo regarding the forensic audit report on drug shortages in the country. The Spokesperson stated that the update on the audit report was in response to public interest surrounding the investigation. 

The Spokesperson stated that the forensic investigation report by Funduzi Forensic Services was currently with the Office of the Auditor General, and further revealed the next steps in the investigation process. 

“The next step for the Auditor General is to distribute his report to the relevant stakeholders, which in this case include the Royal Eswatini Police Service, the Office of Public Projections, the Civil Service Commission, Cabinet and Parliament,” clarified the Government Spokesperson. 

The statement also confirmed that, according to standard audit practices, the contents cannot be shared with the public at this point as their veracity contained therein are yet to be investigated. 

“Moreover, there are names of individuals and entities that are being implicated in this report and who may need to face either disciplinary proceedings or to be prosecuted, making it dangerous at this point to reveal their names to the public,” further stated the Government Spokesperson. 

However, he added that a summary of the findings will be shared with the public at a later stage, once all stakeholders give it the green light. The summary will, however, no be mentioning any names as per standard international audit practice in such instances,” further clarified the Government Spokesperson through the statement. 

According to the statement, the summary of the forensic audit report will be crafted by the Office of the Auditor General and shared with the public through relevant platforms provided for by the laws of the country. 

“Government, therefore, urges the Nation to be patient with the process,” concluded the Government statement by the Spokesperson. 

The forensic investigation report was initiated by the Government to uncover and fix the challenges which caused medicinal drug shortages in some of the country’s health facilities.