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MBABANE – The Government has continued to support farmers through the input subsidy programme with the aim of increasing local production of grains (Maize, sorghum and beans).

According to the Prime Minister Cleopas Sipho Dlamini at least E227.2 million was spent on the programme in the last five years. The tractor hire service also registered an increased number of hours during the reporting period and serviced an average of 91 per cent of registered hours per season.

“Approximately E425.5 million was distributed through the Regional Development Fund during this period. Through the RDF, a total of 157 groups and associations were empowered who in turn created 6 767 employment opportunities in rural households,” said the Prime Minister.

He further said, access to potable water was further accelerated during the reporting period. A total of 27 rural potable water supply schemes were delivered in 27 Tinkhundla, covering a population of over 50 000 people.

Overall, about E129 million was spent in delivering the water schemes. To date, access to clean potable water countrywide is at 75 percent from 67.4 percent in 2017.

“During the reporting period, 401 rural communities were connected to the National Electricity grid, benefiting a population of 19 117 people, with a total investment of E364M. To date, national access to electricity is at 82% from 78% in 2018,” said the Prime Minister.

Worth mentioning is that, the Agriculture sector has completed the feasibility studies and detailed designs for the Mpakeni Dam, recently commissioned by His Majesty King Mswati III, which is Phase I of the Mkhondvo/Ngwavuma Water Augmentation Project to be implemented in the Shiselweni District.