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MBABANE– The Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs of Eswatini have revealed that the government of Eswatini has trained over 100 inmates.

This was revealed during the tabling of the aforementioned Ministry’s financial report for the year 2022/2023 to the portfolio committee.

Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs Pholile Shakantu revealed in her report that, His Majesty’s Correctional Services has continued to enrol inmates in several rehabilitation programmes and enhanced social reintegration program.

“These programmes include formal and non-formal education, vocational skills, psychosocial support and farming. In the reporting period, 125 inmates were trained in different trade skills under the industries section 69 were trained in livestock farming,” said Shakantu.

In addition to that she said the department was able to change inmates uniforms from brown to orange uniform which is currently underway; hence first batch of the uniform has been completed and distributed in all facilities.

The department was self-sufficient in milk production as 28 242 litres were produced and consumed.

Other key achievements of the Ministry highlighted an effort to enhance the understanding and observation of human rights standards, the Commission supported trainings for the Police, Correctional Services, the Master of the High Court, Senior Government officials and Civil Society actors.

“Further, 103 traditional leaders were trained on adopting a human rights based approach to dispute resolution. Lastly, the Commission through outreach project visited 23 schools around the country to capacitate learners on their rights and responsibilities,” said the Minister.

She further mentioned that the Commission on Human Rights and Public Administration received 391 complaints through walk-ins, social media and telephone and 240 complains were actioned.

“Of the 67 were referred to other agencies, 73 offered legal opinions/ advice, 97 complains investigated, finalised and closed seven are still under investigation,” she said.

Worth noting is that in the year 2022, the Ministry successfully developed the Family law Bills, Marriages Bill and Matrimonial Property Bill. These bills are currently undergoing the Parliamentary legislative process.

Harmonisation process of the mandates of the Commission on Human Rights and Public Administration (CHRPA) and the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC), the Ministry, with technical support from Development partners, engaged an Expert to share experience on how the three mandates (Corruption, Human rights, Public Administration) can be housed in one institution, including the pros and cons of this set up.

On this Shakantu said the Ministry has undertaken a benchmarking exercise in Ghana Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice to learn best practices on having the three constitutional mandates under one institution.

“The Ministry has also undertaken a benchmarking exercise in Kenya National Commission on Human Rights, Kenya Commission on Administrative Justice (Ombudsman) and Kenya Ethics and Anti- Corruption Commission to learn more on how these institutions collaborate with each other,” she said.

In closing she mentioned that, in the period under review the Asset Recovery Secretariat (Forfeiture) conducted an auction where motor vehicles relinquished and E1.4 Million proceeds were gained. On another note, the value of property yet to be auctioned to date is E2.3 million. The Director of Public Prosecution’s (DPP) office continued with its mandate of prosecuting crimes. The DPP’s office has specialised Units that focus on and keep up with new criminal trends. In the period under review.