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MBABANE – Eswatini government, through the Microprojects, has channeled over E3 million in the construction of clinics and hospitals.

According to a report released by the Ministry of Economic Planning and Development, three projects are to be implemented and they would cost E3 226 851. It is said these projects seek to benefit 1 025 Emaswati.

The 2023 report states that there are three health sector projects under the Regional Development Fund and they are all located in the Manzini region. A sum of E1 710 489.36 has so far been spent in the three projects.

It is reflected in the report that an amount of E363 5887.21 has been spent in fencing the Ntondozi Clinic, E518 000 was spent in the construction of flush toilets at the King Sobhuza II Public Health and E828 902.15 went to the construction of public toilets under Hloba Matsapha Projects.

A 2022/2023 report stated that the government had successfully implemented two projects Mhlatsi Neighbouring Care Point (NCP) and an old aged home in Dvokolwako. The NCP is complete but still at DLP stage while work is in progress at the old-aged home.

The Newly appointed Minister of Health, Mduduzi Matsebula, said his vision is to improve the health system of Eswatini which includes completing the incomplete projects.

“It is important to strengthen relationships with our strategic partners because of our budget is low, it would not cater for all the needs of the Ministry. There are so many organisations that can help us to implement some the projects as long we put our house in order by creating a good image that will attract the partners,” said Matsebula when addressing the Senior Management Team of the Ministry for the first time.

For incomplete projects, the report reflects that work progress in the construction of a flammable warehouse is estimated at 90 percent and work done in the construction of a double story operation centre and administration block is estimated at 85 percent to name a few.