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MBABANE – The Government of Eswatini has made a commitment to disability mainstreaming and inclusion.

This has led to the introduction of ‘inclusion education,’ an initiative that ensures that all children, including those with Autism, have access to mainstream education.

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This was said by Deputy Prime Minister’s Office (DPMO) Principal Secretary (PS) Melusi Masuku at the DPMO conference room on Tuesday (April 2, 2024) during the Autism Eswatini officially launch and the Commemoration of World Autism Awareness Day.

PS Masuku said the findings of the first autism survey in Eswatini confirmed that many children with autism did not attend school. He said of those who attended school, many dropped out in Grade Six and only reached that grade as their highest, which in turn limited their opportunities for further education and advancement.

“In the pursuit of disability mainstreaming and inclusion, the government of Eswatini has introduced ‘inclusion education’ to ensure that no one is left behind. This initiative ensures that children with Autism are integrated in mainstream schools and accepted as equally capable Emaswati who can attend school and reach their full potential,” PS Masuku said.

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Masuku also highlighted many challenges facing children with autism in schools, which included, amongst others, discrimination and bullying. This is not limited to the school environment but is also prevalent within families and the community at large, according to Masuku. The DPMO strongly condemns such practices that reverse the gains made towards disability mainstreaming and inclusion.

Chairperson of Autism Eswatini Reverend Senzo Hlatshwayo stated that the organisation had been providing therapy and psychosocial support to the families, building their capacity on autism. Further they have engaged some teachers in an effort to capacitate them in integrating children with autism in mainstream schools.

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Autism Eswatini have already acquired a huge land to construct their one-stop centre, which would be built in phases. It is for that reason why on Saturday, 06 April 2024, there will be a Walk at Tfutjane Mount Resort starting at 6.30am, MKhondvo kaKholwane in an effort to collect funds. Everyone is invited to participate.