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MBABANE – The European Union (EU) in Eswatini, the International Trade Centre (ITC), and the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Trade have come together to support a rural women’s cooperative in the KaNdinda area of Manzini.

Through this collaboration, the groups will work together to create sustainable livelihoods and job opportunities for the women of the cooperative. This project is a testament to the power of collective action and the importance of empowering women and rural communities. By working together, they can make a real difference in the lives of those who need it most.

Since its founding in June 2021, the Indzaba Yami Cooperative has grown from 15 women to 20 members, including two men and four young individuals. The cooperative, which takes its name from the local language meaning “my story”, is dedicated to generating employment, especially for women, by producing artisan goods. Through the support of the EU, ITC, and the Ministry of Commerce, Industry, and Trade, the cooperative has made impressive progress in empowering its members and uplifting their communities

The ‘Eswatini: Promoting Growth through Competitive Alliances’ program, implemented by the International Trade Centre’s Alliances 4 Action initiative, is funded by the European Union. The program aims to promote job creation and export-led growth, particularly through the use of the (SADC-EU EPA). It provides support to small farmers, entrepreneurs, and artisans in Eswatini, helping them to become more competitive and create jobs. The program also aims to strengthen the country’s position in the global economy.