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By Sikhulile Dlamini

MBABANE – The Regional Development Fund (RDF) has contributed over E10 million worth of projects under the Lubuli Constituency (Inkhundla).

This was highlighted by Minister of Tinkhundla Administration and Development Sikhumbuzo Dlamini yesterday (Wednesday, May 29, 2024) during his speech when handing over a tractor loader backhoe, which is commonly known as a TLB, and tractor worth E2.5 million in the Lubuli Inkhundla.

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“A closer examination of the project overall costs gives the impression that Government can deliver projects at a low cost when sharing implementation costs with beneficiaries. This approach permits other positive spin-offs like community empowerment in participatory development and training in leadership and business skills,” Dlamini said.

The total number of projects amount to 20. These include Ikhwezi Primary School, Lubuli High School, Mhlabeni High School, Sicilweni Clinic, Khanyizwe Group Scheme and many other schemes and projects.

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Dlamini also noted that some income generating projects collapsed due to failure to adhere to professional business ethics, and conflicts within members. The failure to seed part of the profit in business growth and failure to make statutory monthly/annual contributions towards the business contributed to the collapse of income generating projects. He urged the community to be on the lookout for these elements and do their utmost best to avoid them.

As he concluded, he acknowledged the Ministry of Tinkhundla Administration and Development and the Microprojects programme, through the revised RDF Regulations on continuing to be a flagship of success in spearheading Government’s programmes focused in rural development and poverty reduction, with special emphasis on income generating projects.

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“It is humbling to the Government of the Kingdom of Eswatini to witness Their Majesties identifying and fully supporting poverty alleviation initiatives,” Dlamini said.