MBABANE – Did you know that there has been a lot of activities seeking to bring development in various communities in the Kingdom of Eswatini?
Yes, a total expenditure of E360 million for community projects and capital projects have been issued by government in the financial year 2020/2021.
Eswatini Positive News presents the detail of activities executed by the Microprojects Programme (MPP) in the financial year 2020/2021.
MPP is a semi-autonomous Unit under the Ministry of Economic Planning and Development.
The unit implements community demand-driven projects, capital projects for various government ministries and projects under the Regional Development Fund (RDF) for the Ministry of Tinkhundla Administration and Development (MTAD).

It has been disclosed that total expenditure for community projects and capital projects amounted to E364 011 906.69 during this period while expenditure realized under the RDF amounted to E23 537 229.21.
Worth noting is that though relatively low expenditure is seen, existing commitments are significantly high.
According to a report seen by this publication, twenty-three (23) community demand-driven projects were completed and are functional.
These comprise of 19 electricity schemes, one water supply scheme, one suspended foot bridge and two community centers.
It is projected that these community projects will directly benefit an estimated population of 47 050.
It has since been reported that sixty-eight (68) capital projects were completed, sixty-six ( 66) for the Ministry of Education and Training and two (2) for the Ministry of Defense.
Activities executed for the Ministry of Education comprise; construction of classrooms, staff houses, toilets, laboratories, administration blocks, laboratory fittings, con ducting hydrogeological surveys, borehole drilling and rehabilitation of various structures in schools. MPP completed construction of a sewing factory at kaGcina Army Barracks· and a hostel at Mbuluzi Army Barracks for the Ministry of Defence.
The Regional Development Fund completed seventy-three (73) projects, four (4) Income Generating Projects (IGPs) and sixty-nine (69) Infrastructure projects.
It is projected that these projects will directly benefit an estimated population of 30 930.
Although a considerable number of projects implemented this financial year are complete and functional, they are still at Defect Liability Period (DLP), they have only achieved practical completion and have not been certified finally complete.

These include eight (8) community demand-driven projects, 706 projects under the Ministry of Education including handwashing facility units, screening offices at the Hlathikhulu, Mankayane, Piggs Peak, Government Hospitals, Matsanjeni, Nhlangano Health Centers, four rehabilitated wards at the National Psychiatric Centre, rehabilitated structures at CODEC, Mavuso Trade Exhibition Centre, TB Hospital, rehabilitated structures at Somhlolo National Stadium and rehabilitated structures at the Lubombo Referral Hospital.
The Unit continues to implement a number of projects in all sector programs. Currently, 208 community demand-driven projects, 305 RDF projects and 593 capital projects under various ministries are being implemented.
It has been stated that the Unit implemented community demand-driven projects in six sectors namely; Agriculture, Water Supply and Sanitation, Education, Transport and Communication, Rural Electrification and Community centers. Some projects under the Water Supply and Sanitation sector are implemented in partnership with the Republic of China on Taiwan. MPP also collaborates with Engineers In Action (EIA) in the construction of suspended footbridges.
Two hundred and thirty-nine (239} projects were implemented in 2020/2021. Twenty-three (23) projects were completed. These comprise
One (1) water supply scheme,
One (1) suspended footbridge,
Nineteen (19) electricity schemes and two (2) community centers.
There are eight (8) projects which were completed but are still at DLP, these comprise
Five (5) water schemes,
One (1) dip tank; and
Concreting of two (2) road strips
There are currently two hundred and eight (208) projects under implementation in the various sectors.