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By Banele Magongo

MANZINI – Minister of Tourism and Environmental Affairs Jane Mkhonta, has officially launched the Easter Season Campaign.

This happened today at Summerfield Bonitical Garden and Exclusive Resort.

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“We officially launch the 2024 Easter Season Campaign, As the Easter holiday approaches, a time for family, reflection and celebration. A celebration of life triumphing over death, hope prevailing over despair and redemption offered to humanity. I stand before you today to officially launch our #UnwrapAnUnforgettableEasterAdventure campaign,” said the Minister.

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The Hospitality and Tourism Association of Eswatini (HOTAES) was acknowledged by the minister for its continued enthusiasm and collaboration in promoting the Kingdom of Eswatini as an attractive tourist destination.

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The Minister expressed gratitude to all those who have worked tirelessly to promote domestic tourism, both during and after the global travel restrictions. She noted that the efforts have resulted in an increase in local and international visitors to the country’s diverse tourist destinations. This has confirmed that it is indeed possible to unwrap an Unforgettable Easter Adventure.  She acknowledged the resilience of those who have made this all possible, and credited them with making this launch a reality.

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The Minister highlighted the diverse landscapes and attractions that Eswatini has to offer, from the rolling hills of the Ezulwini Valley to the Highland Adventures, as well as its vibrant traditions and serene nature retreats. She  also emphasized the importance of choosing Eswatini for the Easter holidays, not only to create memories and strengthen cultural identity, but also to support local businesses, lodges, tour guides, and communities, as well as to contribute to the country’s sustainable development. she encouraged everyone to join together in creating a tapestry of unity through the campaign.