IMG 20231115 WA0016


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MBABANE – The Ministry of Health, in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, yesterday engaged on a busrank campaign to educate Emaswati about the importance of maintaining a balanced diet, with a focus on integrating indigenous meals.

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Nelson Mavuso, Director of Agriculture and Nursing, led by example as he distributed indigenous vegetable seeds to encourage the cultivation of backyard gardens.
The campaign presented commuters in Mbabane the opportunity to participate in food tastings featuring indigenous vegetables.

They were also capacitated with the nutritional benefits of locally grown produce.

Mavuso explained government’s commitment to promote the cultivation of indigenous vegetables and fruits.

In an interview with Eswatini TV, Mavuso said, “We are here to sensitize the nation on the importance of health eating. As the Ministry of Agriculture, we are advocating for the consumption of indigenous fruits and vegetables. We have seen that most people lead unhealthy lifestyles where they don’t get to exercise.”

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Meanwhile, Vusi Shabangu, a representive from the Ministry of Health – the NDC department, urged Emaswati to be mindful of their cooking practices. Shabangu cautioned against overcooking food, emphasizing the direct correlation between portion sizes and cooking quantities.

“Everything that you cook in large quantities, you are bound to dish it in large portions, and anything that you cook in minimum portions, you definitely dish it out in a small portion. So, if you cook porridge in large pots, you will have larger portions on your plate, which is unhealthy, “he said.

This publication has established that the Ministry of Agriculture’s Asidle Kwetfu campaign aims to inspire Emaswati to cultivate vegetable gardens in their backyards, fostering a culture of vegetable consumption as a preventive measure against non-communicable diseases.