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MBABANE – The government, through the Ministry of Finance, has paid over E64 million to over 15 medical suppliers since December 15, 2023.

According to a statement issued by a Cabinet sub-committee on health, the Ministry of Health has settled more than 70 per cent of the debts that arose from purchases of medicines, medical supplies and services. The sub-committee said it commended the delivery of medical drugs by the government through emergency procurement.

While that was commended, the Ministry of Health, according to the sub-committee, focused on expediting deliveries from suppliers of the main tender system, which is expected to increase the supplies more significantly. The ministry implored the suppliers to make deliveries timely so that all Emaswati could receive and have access to quality medical care.

The health ministry, in December 2023, engaged in an emergency procurement plan of critical medicines and medical supplies. Though the final tender board approval was granted very close to Christmas day, this plan enabled limited deliveries to start during the festive season.

Since many businesses have now reopened, deliveries of the much-needed medical supplies to the Central Medical Stores (CMS) have been slowly increasing. Deliveries to health facilities had started and the situation was expected to continue improving significantly in the course of this month. “We are cognisant of the fact that in some facilities, the shortages is still acute and those cases are receiving our utmost attention,” said the committee in the statement.

The Ministry of Health continued to work with the Ministry of Public Service to fill critical positions. Some senior administrative positions such as matrons and sisters had already been filled in a number of the country’s health facilities. This included personnel to man the new wing in Mbabane.

The Ministry of Health, according to the committee, was doing the following to curb the wastage of medicines and supplies:

a. The ministry had restored car tracking systems and visual monitoring systems (cameras) at Central Medical Stores. The ministry would also focus on enhancing physical security enhancements in the regional distribution centres and dispensaries across all 22 government health facilities.

b. The ministry was also strengthening the electronic systems for the management and distribution of medicines and supplies, using digital systems that would assist in the monitoring of medicines and medical supplies effectively, ensure adequate stock levels, and ensure the security of commodities. 

The Ministry of Health was working on exploring the options of transforming the Central Medical Stores to operate more effectively and to be responsible for the end-to-end supply chain management of drugs until they reached the patient’s hands. The Ministry of Health worked on fully operationalising the new wing at Mbabane Government Hospital. “It is important to note that limited operations have already started in the new wing. Instruments, linen and medical supplies required at the new wing are currently being procured,” said part of the statement.

The new wing would soon be fully operational as soon as these items were delivered. The Cabinet sub-committee on health would like to thank the public and all stakeholders for their patience and collaboration as the government works through these issues. The government remains steadfast in its commitment to turn around the national outcry on health. The situation is getting better.