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By Sikhulile Dlamini

MBABANE – Government has urged Emaswati to reject misinformation and fiction presented as news by media outlets from neighbouring countries.

This follows a report by the South African media house, City Press alleging Eswatini’s involvement in a coup d’état in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), a claim the Government has firmly denied.

According Government Spokesperson, Alpheous Nxumalo, the Kingdom of Eswatini remained in good diplomatic standing with the DRC and the rest of the other nation states of Southern African Development Community (SADC) and Africa as a whole.

“In all the total history of our beloved Kingdom under the Monarchy, the country has never supported or planned coup d’etat against neighboring or distant countries, let alone to stand with amateur armed bandits on a self – destruction political adventurism,” Nxumalo said.

Nxumalo further clarified that even in the worst case scenario of some of these bandits who could have passed through the country posing as refugees, the Kingdom of Eswatini, as a state could not be said to have known or assisted in the planning and clumsy execution of the armed bandits’ diabolical agenda against the DRC.

“It should not be forgotten soon by City Press that not so long ago, some armed bandits who boarded a plane from South Africa, were arrested in Zimbabwe, while confessing to be enroute to commit a coup d’etat in the Equatorial Guinea.

Claims were made to the effect that they had trained South Africa for over a period of three months for that particular mission. In this case, was the Government of the Republic of South Africa involved? The answer is a big no”, Nxumalo elaborated.

He further noted some similar cases wherein, some Rwandan generals were assassinated inside the Republic of South Africa. The Government of the Republic of South Africa was not party to the collaborators of such evil machinations. He stated that just because something occurred inside a particular country did not mean that the state authorities knew, approved or collaborated with such.

“Again, in our situation, the Kingdom of Eswatini categorically rejects all insinuations to effect that the thwarted coup d’etat in the DRC was knowingly planned in the Kingdom of Eswatini. The journalist repeatedly quoted by City Press as a reliable source have just exposed and demonstrated his abilities to neat fictional words without substance,” Nxumalo stated.

In conclusion, Nxumalo warned those involved in the project of dissemination of misinformation that there was no amount of deception that would ever succeed at tarnishing and compromising the good and warm diplomatic relations which happily exist between the Kingdom of Eswatini and the DRC.