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….DPM’s Office promises to chip in


MANZINI – A pupil who passed with flying colours and made it to the top five best performing Eswatini Primary Certificate (EPC) pupils in the country is seeking for help with her 2023 school fees.

Yoliswa Thobela, who got an aggregate of 95 per cent, mentioned that she would love to purse the health profession and become a Doctor.

She further counted reading as one of her biggest hobbies, her mother who is a single parent joined in and asked for help from the public to help fund her child’s Form one fees.

“It is just the two of us and we would appreciate help from the public, my daughter got accepted at Mjingo High School and a deposit of E7 000 is needed. We are also welcoming school uniform donations,” said Angel Mamba.

Mamba further said she was currently unemployed and did not have any means to see her child through school.

When recounting how Yoliswa was taken care of during her primary, she mentioned that her mother, Yoliswa’s grandmother helped until she was forced into retirement.

When speaking further the whizz kid who obtained straight As in her exams said she worked hard to prepare for her examination and she only got rest after her last paper.

“I’m pleading with the nation to help me with my school fees, I would really love to attend Form one and make new friends all the while I realise my dream of becoming a Doctor,” she said.

Worth noting is that prior to that the mother, daughter duo had already started approaching people for help via social media platforms. EmaSwati have positively responded to the plea for help.

This further implored the Deputy Prime Minister Office (DPMO) to look into the matter and promising to make it top priority. When responding to the matter DPMO’s Communication Officer Mihla Khumalo said they were fast tracking the whizz kid’s plea.

Khumalo further thanked the people who have been calling the office to make them aware of Yoliswa’s situation.

“We have had numerous calls for help regarding Yoliswa Thobela, and as an office we have forwarded her details and plea for help to the Department of Social Welfare (DSW). They should be responding soon,” he said.

Meanwhile the mother confirmed that she has been receiving phone calls from people promising to help and some sending money to chip in.

Those willing to help can contact the mother ANGEL MAMBA ON: 78293698/79579212