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MBABANE– All is well.

A High-Level Meeting of the Joint National Steering Committee was held to review implementation of the UN cooperation framework.

The Joint National Steering Committee (J-NSC) set up to monitor implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF 2021-2025) held a high-level meeting to review progress at the Royal Villas, in Ezulwini.

The review of the Cooperation Framework, with a vision to contribute to ‘a prosperous, just and resilient Eswatini where no one is left behind’, is conducted annually through the four Results Groups that have been set up as per the four outcome areas of the strategic document.

The four outcome areas are Promoting Sustainable and Inclusive Economic Growth, Investing in Human Resources and Social Development, Accountable Governance, Justice and Human Rights and Strengthening Natural Resource Management, Climate Resilience and Environmental Sustainability.

A total of 16 UN agencies, coordinated by the UN Resident Coordinator’s Office, are implementing the strategic document in partnership with the Government, development partners, civil society, private sector and other sectors.

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“We are going to share our common understanding of the challenges faced in implementing the UN Cooperation Framework and to recommend solutions for improving the implementation,” stated Minister of Economic Planning and Development, Dr. Tambo Gina, who is the co-chair of the J-NSC together with the UN Resident Coordinator.

He further said: “I therefore challenge you to think beyond the parameters of your institutional mandates and recommend solutions that will benefit the country,”

The Minister expressed concern that COVID-19, civil unrest, climate change and the war in Ukraine were posing a serious threat to the gains made by the country in achieving the SDGs.

The UN Resident Coordinator, George Wachira, noted that the Cooperation Framework was a new instrument under UN reforms and is aimed at repositioning the UN Development System to be fit for purpose to carry forward the 2030 Agenda.

“Within the repositioning, the UNSDCF is recognized as the most important instrument for the planning and implementation of UN development activities. This meeting is an important accountability forum where we review our collective work,” he said.

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Wachira also observed that the global and national context within which the Cooperation Framework was being implemented has been challenging, especially in the last 3 years.

“I commend all of you for your dedication and commitment to see this process through in spite of the transitional challenges as well as those confronting the country and the world,” he said.

“I urge that we use this space to assess our collective performance and delivery against Agenda 2030, recognizing that the global challenges and disasters have undermined decades of development efforts, reversing progress in many SDGs,” he added. The meeting was attended by senior Government officials, development partners, civil society, academia, private sector and persons with disabilities.