20221119 143011


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MBABANE – His Majesty King Mswati III discusses exploring ways of development and cooperation between Eswatini and Namibia.

Following the arrival of the Chair of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Troika, President Hage Geingob, discussions took place between His Majesty King Mswati III and the President of Namibia yesterday.

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His Majesty King Mswati III thanked the President of Namibia for taking time to come to the country and spoke on how this strengthened the relationship between the two countries being Namibia and Eswatini.

The King of Eswatini further mentioned how during his discussions with the President of Namibia, the cooperation between Namibia and Eswatini was brought forth as one of the challenges that were faced by developing countries were the limitations in job opportunities.

“We have a lot of challenges in terms of job opportunities and we have issues regarding climate change and so on. As members of the SADC union we have to come together to see how our two countries can come up with a lot of positive things on our side,” said His Majesty.

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The King of Eswatini mentioned that the country was aware that there was still a lot that needed to go into ensuring a better lifestyle for emaSwati and that that was one of the issues that was being worked on tirelessly.

“The kingdom of Eswatini has been work very hard trying to become one of the first world status. We want to see the lifestyle of emaSwati becoming a better structure,” said His Majesty.

The King of Eswatini further stated that he was pleased that he and the President shared the same sentiments in wanting to better the two countries being Eswatini and Namibia and emphasised the importance of working together to reach that goal.

His Majesty expressed how he looked forward to seeing the cooperation that would take place between Eswatini and Namibia. He also mentioned how he had been able to brief the President the Namibia on the current situation taking place in the country, looking at issues of security and what was happening in Eswatini.

His Majesty finally expressed that he was pleased that the President of Namibia was in the Kingdom and looked forward to more of such visitations and an exchange in information that would improve both countries.

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The President of Namibia and Chair of SADC Troika thanked His Majesty for the reception upon his arrival in the country. He mentioned what an honor it was to be able to meet with the King of Eswatini and the warm reception he had observed since his arrival.

The Chair further mentioned that he had come to introduce himself and discuss issues affecting the different countries under the SADC region.

“His Majesty was kind enough to take me through what is going on in Eswatini. We as Troika are going to call a meeting very soon so that we can solve our problems through dialogue and discussions,” said the President.

He mentioned the importance of the dialogues as he believed that they led to the solving of issues that took place not only in Eswatini but in other neighbouring countries as well.

The President expressed that as he had come to the country to look into such issues, the meeting that would be held by Troika was where these issues would be discussed formally.

He finally expressed that he was hopeful that after listening not only to His Majesty King Mswati III, but other African leaders as well, that a way forward would be sought for all the issues that had been raised.