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…Addresses elections

… Dissolves parliament

… Discusses first world status


LOBAMBA – His Majesty King Mswati III has delivered his address to the thousands gathered at the Ludzidzini Royal Residence.

Below is His Majesty’s full address from the throne:

“Your Majesty the Indlovukazi and everyone present I greet you all here today.

It is a great joy that we be gathered here today as per our custom annually to come and greet and talk as a nation.

We thank God and our ancestors and our forebears who have shown indeed that what happened yesterday was a clear sign that Sibaya has been summoned.

Indeed these are blessings from God almighty because the rains are an indication of blessings.

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Since the beginning of the year we have seen greater fruits in the kingdom. As we are aware that we are from the COVID pandemic as well as the problems we have faced as a nation. But this year we have reaped many good fruits.

We have been happy to note the restoration that has happened in our nation, restoring back the peace and the calm that we have always been known for as a nation. The harmony and peace we have seen towards one another has been gratifying indeed.

Nothing will ever defeat a nation that is united, one voice, one heart, and one mind.

It is for that reason that none of us should spare effort in ensuring that we are working for peace and harmony, not just for us but the future generations we have.

As the year unfolded , we saw a great improvement in our economy such that the World bank has also given us a ranking as one of the highly improved economies in the world.

Even in Africa, the Kingdom continued to take the highlight on the Ease of Doing Business and also as a country that is growing speedily in Africa in developing its economy.

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Even the growth of our GDP as a nation has greatly improved. As a developing nation, to have a GDP growth of 7.8% is no smalltalk, so we are highly happy to see the GDP growth that has been in the Kingdom.

These are great fruits and beautiful fruits indeed that every liSwati must take pride in the improvement and promotion of our Kingdom.

No single person can boast of his wisdom in the achievements that we have as a nation. But this is a collective effort of every liSwati that has put hands together to ensure the success of the nation.

In the past week, the kingdom was host to SACU where the heads of state came to the nation to discuss. As chair of SACU, as have overseen the collections of the highest revenues in SACU. All this has come under our chairmanship of SACU.

The various leaders that were gathered in the kingdom applauded the development and social wellbeing in the Kingdom. They applauded the development in infrastructure and I did assure them that I will relay this to you as a nation.

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We are all witness to this development, as you drive around you can see these developments. As you go around the roads you might end up getting lost or causing accidents because the developments in infrastructure make the places feel new.

Even in the rural areas, we have witnessed a high level of development. Electricity has been widespread in the country, such that even those who ride special vehicles in the night can no longer do so because everything is in the light.

When we grew up, we never witnessed electricity this widespread in the country, such that when you saw lights at night you would even think you saw a ghost.

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Even the road infrastructure in our rural areas has greatly improved. I was traveling on one road recently where cars would be stuck in the mud before, but that road was tarred in my most recent visit. I’m happy that this is spreading in the country.

Even in our health sector, there has been vast improvement and development in our health facilities. I am now confident that there is no disease which cannot be treated in our facilities as they are equipped to deal with ailments pound for pound.

We applaud all these great achievements that we have as a nation, not forgetting our social fabric and the elderly who are retired at home. We are are also not forgetting those who are  graduating in tertiary schools to make sure that they have jobs, and we are also making sure that those who are in education have an opportunity to continue.

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Taking care of the various sectors in our community is very important. To enable each person to achieve the dream that is in their heart. It is important to make sure that everyone can achieve their dreams, while there is progress in the country.

As we all know that as a nation we have had the challenge of COVID as a nation, now COVID is behind us. It made it impossible for us to come to Sibaya and dialogue as a dialoguing nation. Now that COVID is behind us, we are able to gather here and dialogue.

As we are aware that various important duties had engulfed the nation, but today we are all gathered here as we are aware that parliament and all those who were in office,  have their time has run out, as the Elections and Boundaries Commission has announced the nominations to take place soon.

Since the term of our parliament has actually come to a point, I must applaud the members of this Parliament for their efforts to make sure that we achieved the results I have alluded to in my speech. We hope that the incoming members of Parliament will take note of what these have done and continue their good work.

As we know that after the nomination exercise we will then be expected to elect our new people. After which we shall then reconvene here at the cattle byre to dialogue as a nation as expected.

I do hope that as you go to elect persons to stand for the elections, you are going to choose the right people. People who have the mindset of taking this nation to first world status. I leave the challenge to you as a nation to elect people that will develop our nation, and push this nation to a first world status.

I do hope that as you go for the elections you will elect people of noble character, people with integrity, people who will take up the nation at heart, and not to gain for their selfish ends, people who will be deliberating on their personal agendas, but people who will always uplift the integrity of our nation and take the mandate that you have given them to promote this country to first world.

I have seen in previous elections that the nation has indeed elected a lot of men onto positions of authority. I want to challenge that the nation consider to balance up this election so that also women could be considered for elections so that both men and women are rightly elected into positions of authority

I also want to implore the nation to consider those that are disabled to enable them to take the vote and elect them as they are part of society and their voice must be represented in the land.

I do pray that as we go out for the elections to elect our eligible persons that God almighty and the ancestors may guide us in the path of peace and harmony, and the path of respect in our various communities as we do our elections excersise.

I also do pray that as we go for our elections, our elections shall also be free and fair. No one will intimidate the other or threaten anyone. The ballot will be our deciding factor in our elections this year. I do pray that as we go into our elections, Let no one do acts in the dark, because we have heard that when it is dark it is good to do bad acts. This time and this year around, I pray that all such activities be not witnessed in our communities, so that we can have free and fair elections.

As the elections excersise commences here today, I therefore announce that term of current Parliament ends here today.

With these words, it has been a great pleasure seeing you here today. I hope time shall afford us when we shall reconvene for me to come and listen to your deliberations here at the Sibaya after the elections.

I do pray that as the nation goes back home, may you travel safely to your respective places. Thank you and may the almighty God bless you all.”