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MBABANE – Farmers who are interested in growing their horticultural businesses are encouraged to consider applying for the Horticulture Input Subsidy Program and the Horticultural Revolving Fund, two programs offered by National Agricultural Marketing Board (NAMBoard) and Eswatini Bank.

NAMBoard and Eswatini Bank have designed the Horticulture Input Subsidy Program and the Horticultural Revolving Fund with the goal of promoting the production of specific commodities, including potatoes, onions, carrots, tomatoes, beetroot, green beans, green peas, baby corn, chilies, and baby marrows. These programs provide resources and support to help farmers expand their businesses and boost their profits. Farmers are encouraged to explore the programs and see if they are eligible for assistance.

Through the programs, NAMBoard and Eswatini Bank will provide farmers with farming equipment, such as netting, tunnels, and greenhouses, to help them achieve higher yields and improve quality.  the company will provide agricultural extension officers to provide guidance and assistance to each farmer. Once the crops are ready for market, NAMBoard will purchase the produce from the farmers, ensuring that they have a market for their crops. This support system is designed to help farmers succeed and increase their profits.

The Horticulture Subsidy Program offered by NAMBoard is available to young people who can demonstrate that they have at least 60% of the capital required for their project. NAMBoard will then provide the remaining 40% of the capital as a non-refundable subsidy. This program is designed to encourage young people to pursue careers in horticulture and provide them with the financial support they need to get started.

To learn more about the Horticulture Subsidy Program and how to register, interested candidate can visit the following website

Revolving Fund Download Link: https://www.ehis.co.sz/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/NAMBoard-and-Eswatini-Bank-REVOLVING-FUND.pdf

Subsidy Download Link: https://www.ehis.co.sz/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Horticulture-Input-Subsidy-Application-Form-April-2023.