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MBABANE – He was recently nominated for the top five in the Eswatini Creators Awards, which were announced last week. Known to many as DJ Easy, Mxolisi Easy Masina shared with this publication that he started deejaying in 2019, when he was in Form 1 at Good Shepherd High School.

We caught up with him, and this is what he had to say.

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How did you feel when you learned of your nomination?

I was so shocked, scared, and happy at the same time. I was so shocked. How can I be ranked among the top five DJs in the country as I am still growing in the industry and scared to be in competition with the big guns of Eswatini, which I mostly respect?

I was also scared that some people would criticise me, as it’s a common thing in the country, but I was fine with that. I was also happy that I’m being recognised in the country, which is why I was nominated, and I really appreciate that. In the on-going voting stages, people can vote for me by sending 12115 to 7355 SMS5 through MTN and Eswatini Mobile.  Each SMS costs E1.71. You can send as many votes as you want.

Going forward, I want to become a more exquisite DJ in the country and travel internationally.

How is the competition in the industry?

The competition is high in the country because we meet people with different personalities; some care, some backstab us, and some are jealous, but at the end of the day, we need to keep on pushing.

Which was the highlight of your performances so far?

It was at Mpaka Recreational Club when we hosted 2Point 1. I was happy to be in the VIP section with my role models.

Who is your favourite DJ?

My favourite DJs are DJTpz SA,Delasoundzsa, Sdala B Production, and 2Point1. I love these DJs because they always motivate me and push my brand, which is why I’m here now.

Whom would you love to work with?

DJ Tpz, Samu Once Again, Delasoundzsa, Sdala B Production, and 2Point1 because they have been very kind to me since day one and their support help my brand grow.

Quick advice to your peers?

I can advise my peers to have love and respect for being in this industry because it’s not as simple as they might think. You really need to sacrifice a lot.

If you have love and passion for music, you can go far. This industry needs you to be patient. To add to that, you shouldn’t think you are better than someone else. Also, as an artist, don’t judge other artists because you think you are old in this industry. We are all pushing to be a better version of ourselves. Also, love your fans so that your journey can be very smooth.