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MBABANE – The habit of improperly allocating pieces of land in communities is expected to end this year.

This transpired yesterday (March 26, 2024) in Parliament during the 2023/24 annual performance debate of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Energy. The debate was done by Senators who are members of the Portfolio Committee of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Energy.

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Senators complained to Minister of Natural Resources and Energy Prince Lonkhokhela by stating that homes were now being built on mountains, where previously, such a thing could not happen. They wondered what would happen to livestock, if homes continued to be built on lands previously allocated for domestic animals.

Senator Prince Ngangabani wanted to know if there was a piece of legislation that addressed land management issues, and if not, when would the Ministry table such for enactment. Senator Sigombeni Qethuka Dlamini expressed concerns about the management of land. He felt as if land was not managed as a precious resource that was finite.

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Dlamini made an example of some pieces of land in urban areas, saying there were lands in such areas that were for Government. However, it looked like such lands were not protected and certain people took advantage and registered such pieces under their names. In response, Minister Prince Lonkhokhela understood the concerns of the Legislators.

He told them that land management legislation to address their concerns was going to be tabled by his Ministry before the end of the year.