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MBABANE– Chief Madubane from KaDvokolwako gave back to the less privileged on Saturday after being sent by Inkhosikati LaNkambule.

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Her Royal Highness LaNkambule donated blankets for the less privileged including the elderly at Ludzidzini.

In an interview with this publication, Chief Madubane said he was sent by Inkhosikati LaNkambule to deliver blankets to the elderly and orphans as temperatures were now extremely cold.

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“It is important to take care of the needs of the elderly during the cold weather, we receive our blessings through taking care of the elderly people,”said the chief.

He added that when the elderly people are happy it means the whole nation is alive and he hopes that they will be warm and be able to pray for the nation at large.

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The chief went on to appreciate the efforts of their Majesties of taking care of elderly people in the country.

He said Inkhosikati has given every citizen a task to take care of the grand parents in the country.

On the other hand, the chief mentioned that they are working in along with the office of the Deputy Prime Minister in fighting poverty.

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This, he said, by making the less privileged citizens be involved in all community projects. “As the Dvokolwako umphakatsi we have heard the message from the Deputy Prime Minister, we combine the elderly, orphans and the disabled and treat them like any other citizen in the community”, said Chief Madubane.