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…Chief moved by generosity, adds food to the donation


MANZINI – The underprivileged of KaLanga will stay warm with new blankets this winter.

This comes after Inkhosikati Make LaNkhambule donated 40 blankets to the underprivileged of the area, as presented by the area’s Chief Jozane yesterday.


Speaking during the handover of the blankets at KaLanga chiefdom yesterday, Chief Jozane said that he was moved by the generosity of Inkhosikati Make LaNkhambule.

“I was requested by royalty to receive some of the blankets which Inkhosikati Make LaNkhambule donates for the less privileged annually. However, the blankets were gifted by the Inkhosikati were 40, which meant that we will be focusing on handing them to the most in need, not to say that those who will not receive the blankets are not in need. Upon arriving at the congregation, I was made to realise that a lot of elderly people might feel left out,” said the Chief.


“This is why I decided to look into my resources, some of which are gifted by community members, to see what I can do to contribute. This is because I wanted to encourage the spirit of giving, as you usually gift to me as members of the community, I will also share that with you as my fellow community members,” added the chief. Chief Jozane contributed a lot of food to the community members, including cabbages, potatoes, and mealie meals.