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…As winners walk away with $10,000


MBABANE – “Organizations like MTN are dream destinations for people like us, and their interest in such initiatives is a really big point of motivation for us.”

These were the inspired words of the MoMo Hackathon winner Qhawe Matimela when reflecting on the significance of the competition. Matimela and his partner, Thembinkosi Mkhonta, were the best performing coders in the 2023 MoMo Hackathon for software programmers, and walked away with the top prize of $5,000, which was half of the total prize of $10,000.

“To me, it’s not only a testament to the work I’ve been putting in since I started on this journey, but a prelude to all the exciting ventures that the future holds,” said Matimela about the win.

“Winning the MTN Hackerthon means a lot to me. I mean, its not everyday that you get to put up your ideas and your skills against other local developers in the country. And the MTN Hackathon is the biggest stage in the country to do just that,” added Matimela.

“This is the biggest stage in the country for developers to showcase their skills in tech and innovation. It takes a little bit more than that to cut it up there. You are going up against the best in the country, so the competition is tough – not to mention that we don’t have a lot of opportunities like these so when it comes around, you have to grab with both hands,” noted Matimela.

He added that there are a lot of talented young individuals in the local tech and innovation industry, but the only way to activate that talent pool is to frequently reach out.

“Competitions like these are just the tip of the iceberg,” added Matimela.

Mkhonta and Matimela are students at the University of Eswatini, where they are acquiring the Bachelors of Science in Information Technology. The University also congratulated the duo.

“We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Qhawe Matimela and Thembinkosi Mkhonta, the brilliant minds behind FundMoMo—a groundbreaking crowdfunding app empowering entrepreneurs. Their remarkable achievement stands as a testament to their unwavering innovation and persistence,” read a post on the official UNESWA page on Facebook.