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LOBAMBA – 2023 will see Emaswati celebrate 55/55 double celebration, His Majesty King Mswati III has announced.

Speaking during the official opening of the 5th session of the 11th parliament, the King disclosed that this year the Kingdom of Eswatini shall have a double celebration of 55 years of independence and the 55th birthday of the monarch.

“It is gratifying to note that our monarchical democracy has evolved over the years. This is evidenced by the fact that the national elections held every 5th year are one of the most democratic,” the King said.
The King stated that members of parliament carry the mandate and voice of the people since they are voted freely based on individual merit from their constituencies.

“We look forward to the incoming members of parliament to carry on our national development agenda that seeks to elevate our country to a first-world status,” he said.

The Head of State mentioned that nobody should be left behind in playing their part in addressing the social, economic and political challenges and tapping into the opportunities for growth and development that lie ahead of us.

“We are a nation capable of achieving great things when we work together, so we continue to encourage the spirit of dialogue to address our differences and find lasting solutions to all challenges that confront us,” he said.

He continued; “We must caution against the use of foul play, bribery and false promises to gain a seat in parliament. This can only be aimed at achieving selfish ambitions at the expense of our national development. We wish the election process all the success it deserves. Go all out and exercise your right to cast your vote and let it count. Let each of us be reminded of our slogan; “ngete ngasala nasakha live.”