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…39 entrepreneurs to be awarded E10,000 each


MANZINI – “We should celebrate the start of youth businesses.”

These were the words of Junior Achievement’s Marketing and Communications Officer Siphesihle Mkhonta when explaining why they are hosting business showers for the youth. She said that we should celebrate the coming of new businesses in a similar way that new parents celebrate the coming of a child with a baby shower.

JA hosted 150 youth to the business shower which kicked off yesterday. Mkhonta explained that these sessions are to help youth develop their businesses with sound principles by educating them and funding their ideas.

“We started with business lectures where our business partners advised them on what is expected in a good business presentation. Today, the United Nations Development Programme is teaching about the Sustainable Development Goals for 2030, because it is important to align their businesses with one of these goals,” said Mkhonta. She added that they will be awarding 39 entrepreneurs with E10,000 each as startup capital. This will happen this coming Friday, following presentations by the entrepreneurs which will be happening today and tomorrow.