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MBABANE – His Majesty King Mswati III has attributed the success of Buganu Ceremony to Lutsango.

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The King said this on the main day of the second session of Buganu Ceremony, which was held at Hlane Royal Residence. Speaking through Eswatini TV, the King said Buganu had come a long way such that good infrastructure had been built to allow such events to be done smoothly.

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The King said this was one of the things that showed that what was touched by women turned to gold. No wonder the United Nations (UN) recognised March 8 as the International Women’s Day, according to the King.

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He said women made many contributions to the development of society. The King said women gave birth to humans and knew how to take care of people. Women knew how to sustain their homes and they knew how to keep everyone welcome in those homes. Women also made meaningful contribution at national level, as they fully participated in developing their respective countries.

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He also thanked those who came from outside to show their culture. The King said Africa has been known as a continent that was build by different nations that made their cultures to be the cornerstone of their existence.

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(Pics sourced from: His Majesty’s Correctional Services Facebook page)