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BY EPN Reporter

MBABANE– The country has been engulfed with problems for a long time and solutions should be identified this year.

His Majesty King Mswati III said it was discouraging that every year, people would talk about one and the same problems, without finding solutions.

He challenged all Emaswati to ensure that they came up with solutions to every problem this year. The King even went on to declare this year as a year of solutions.

The King said the country was not going to improve if it dealt with the same problems for a long time. He said solutions were going to help the country improve socially and economically, making Emaswati to be healthy people.

Adding, the King encouraged Emaswati to embrace the spirit of sharing so that every person could have something that would make their lives easier. He said it was not good for one person to hoard resources, without regarding the welfare of the people he lived with.

The King also encouraged Emaswati to avoid deceit and malice because such habits were the ones that forced the country to lose its resources, which could be used to improve its people.

Regarding the donations made during Incwala, the King thanked all those who made efforts to donate whatever they donated during the event. He said those donations were the ones that contributed immensely towards the success of the event.

Last month, the King received donations that were worth E16 million for Incwala. The wished wished nothing but the best for those that donated, expressing belief that their possessions could be multiplied.