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MBABANE – His Majesty King Mswati III praised the enduring and mutually beneficial relationship between Eswatini and Germany yesterday at the national day celebration.

Speaking at the national day celebration of the Federation of Germany held in Mandela, Malkerns King Mswati III emphasized the importance of cooperation between the two nations in achieving the United Nations development goals of 2030.

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King Mswati III was represented by Member of Parliament Prince Chief Mshengu, the King called for increased business collaboration between the two countries, recognizing the strategic positioning of Eswatini as a hub for regional markets due to its membership in different economic blocks, including SADC, COMESA, and the African Continental Free Trade Area.

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“We treasure our cordial relations as it gives us an added advantage to explore markets for trade between our countries and continents,” stated King Mswati III. He highlighted Eswatini’s role as a launchpad for regional markets, emphasizing the potential for nurturing economic growth and cooperation.

German Ambassador His Excellency Andreas Peschke resounded the sentiment, expressing Germany’s commitment to maintaining strong ties with Eswatini. “We demonstrate our commitment to good relations between our countries every day. Our objective is a close partnership with Eswatini to shape our common future. I think more than ever before we need cooperation to cope with the challenges of our time,” said Ambassador Peschke.

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In addition to praising Germany’s support, King Mswati III expressed gratitude to the European Union, of which Germany is a member state. He acknowledged the EU’s assistance to Eswatini’s sugar cane growers and the education sector, leading to a notable increase in the country’s literacy rate.

The celebration of the Federation of Germany’s national day served as a testament to the deep-rooted friendship between Eswatini and Germany, highlighting their commitment to collaboration and shared prosperity. As both nations continue to strengthen their partnership, the prospects for economic growth and development in Eswatini remain promising.