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…..Nation takes guess what the agenda may be



‘Ngemandla’ by royal command! The nation has been summoned to the Cattle Byre (Sibaya) by His Majesty King Mswati III on July 11, 2023,  at 10 am sharp.

The urgent announcement was made by Indvuna  Themba Ginindza at the Ludzidzini Royal Residence yesterday at 9:30 am.

Although the agenda was not revealed by the indvuna, members of the public are already anticipating the announcement of the new prime minister, dissolving Parliament which usually happens around this time, according to precedent.

The nation’s excitement is heightened by the fact that they know that there are upcoming elections, a new cabinet and a Prime Minister altogether.

Ginindza informed representatives of the Ministry of Home Affairs to make the necessary transport arrangements so the entire nation could converge at the Cattle Byre on time.

Meanwhile, social media, particularly Facebook, was already abuzz with speculation on who the new leader of government business would be.

However, other users are optimistic that perhaps the new premier would be a surprise and actually be female.

“Have you considered that it may be a female?” asked one user. The name of appointed MP Pholile Shakantu (Dlamini) was put as an example.

Another popular name which has been suggested for the hot seat was that of Business Eswatini  CEO Nathi Dlamini.

Meanwhile, other social media users were not concerned about who the next PM would be, but were quick to state that July 11, 2023, would be a ‘holiday’.

“My bosses should not expect me at work as the King has summoned us, so I will stay at home and watch it from Eswatini TV,” said one Facebook user.