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Climate change Featured on slider News

…. Over 464 people affected


MBABANE– The effects of Climate Change are being intensely felt globally, including in Eswatini.

The National Disaster Management Agency (NDMA) publishes a situation analysis, to keep the country updated on what is on the ground- as a precautionary measure.

Torrential rain, or a torrential downpour, is any amount of rain that is considered especially heavy.

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The country continues to experience incessant rains which started on Tuesday, 7 February 2023 and the rainfall is projected to continue throughout the week. According to on-going preliminary daily assessments, two (2) deaths have been reported since the rainfall started while the number of damaged or destroyed houses has increased to 92 and more than 464 people have been affected. Even though the rainfall is intermittent and the intensity has decreased, the country is still at risk since rivers, bridges and streams are flooded. Access to basic services in most affected areas remains limited.

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A rapid assessment has been conducted to ascertain the extent of damages and affected areas, and a tentative response and recovery budget has been submitted to mobilise resources from government and partners. The NDMA is seriously constrained with resources to respond accordingly, however, the agency has been able to assist a total of 75 people from 15 households with immediate response commodities.  6 tents, 7 tarpaulins and 2 food parcels (cereal, pulse and oil have been distributed to affected households.

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The Eswatini Meteorological Services forecast have predicted the probabilities of rainfall and thunderstorms throughout the week. The National Early Warning System advices that dams and rivers are still full and overflowing which will lead to extended flooding downstream.


Schools and communities and parents are advised to be vigilant and when sending children to and from schools and must ensure school kids do not attempt to cross flooded rivers.

  • Drivers are also advised not to attempt crossing flooded low-level crossings and overflowing bridges.
  • Households located downstream of dams should remain vigilant as dams are spilling and floodgates have been opened which has led to increased water volumes.
  • Houses built of stick and mud must be protected from direct contact with roof water. 
  • Due to continuous soaking of the ground, citizens are warned of possible slope movement/mudslides/landslides/debris fall or rock fall.
  • All road users are to exercise caution to avoid accidents resulting from slippery roads and damaged roads.


Affected households92
Affected people464
Affected schools107
Affected clinics0
Affected roads/crossing24
Damaged bridges6
Lost lives2
Affected bridges26