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MBABANE– Despite parts of the country being flooded with five feet, two inches of water after the recent rains, the country’s laundry services did not miss a day at work and have been making a killing.

During random visits and interviews, a number of laundry services revealed that they have been receiving a large number of orders to wash and fold clothes.

Most laundry services based in Mbabane town mentioned that they have been popular with areas like Magwaneni, Mbangweni, Mahwalala, and Nkoyoyo among others.

Come Clean Laundry services founder Nosmilo Simelane said she had been mostly dealing with parents who live around town and needed their children’s uniforms washed.

“If you recall it has been raining the whole week so we had parents come in with their work clothes and school uniforms for their little ones,” said Simelane.

Another popular laundry service stationed at the Mall attested to having been ‘flooded’ by customers who needed a quick fix as the rain had been going on nonstop.

The manager mentioned it has been mostly urban tenants that have been coming with two or more laundry baskets that needed washing.

“Of course, there has been nothing good about the rains really, we have seen people lose their lives and some their shelter but business has been doing well,” said the laundry manager.

Other laundry services based in places like Ezulwini and Mpolonjeni also attested to receiving quite a number of customers. They further mentioned that it was mostly working class that needed their clothes washed.

Meanwhile, Economist Sabelo Dlamini whose practice is based in Ezulwini said the country was moving closer to a time where Laundry companies will take over the domestic scene.

He said Laundromats see an average cash-on-cash profit that is much higher than most alternative investments. Dlamini further said when one factors the flexibility and low labor costs, Laundromats just make sense.

“There are many reasons that investing in a small business like a laundry service is appealing. The idea of being your own boss, making decisions that directly affect the success of the business, and achieving financial independence while providing a valuable service to the community, all contribute to the appeal of becoming a small business owner,” he said.

In addition to that, he said another significant factor that plays into starting a small business, especially when it comes to opening a Laundromat, is the ability to generate family wealth and create an asset that the owner can pass down to the next generation. “If owning a business is your dream, you have probably given some thought to different types of businesses that you can invest in. What you may not have considered, though, is the opportunity presented by owning and operating a Laundromat,” he said.