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MBABANE – The delegation from Lesotho had nothing but praise after their tour of the King Mswati III International Airport.

The delegation, which was led by the Minister of Works from Lesotho, Neo Matjato Motenae, was in the country to benchmark on the country’s airport. This is because they are currently in the process of revamping their aviation structures.

Speaking during the tour, the Minister said that they had been tasked by their King Letsie II to visit the country’s international airport for specific insights, even though they had been to other hubs of aviation in the world like Dubai.

“We went to other countries, we went to Dubai, we went to South Korea, and we went to other places. I explained this [to King Letsie], and he said ‘but have you been to Swaziland?”, said the Minister.

He added that this tour was a key exercise in revamping their aviation structures in Lesotho.

“We built our airport about 14 years ago. We were a single story facility and we were quite proud of it. We had very little to it, and after 14 years, our airport is showing signs of tiredness,” said Minister Moteane.

The tour was led by Chief Ndlaluhlaza Ndwandwe.