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… According to the newly published ‘Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Strategic Plan 2022-2026’


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This is the average expectancy life at birth of Eswatini which now stands at 63.15, according to the newly published ‘Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Strategic Plan 2022- 2026’ by the Ministry of Home Affairs.

The document was published through the assistance of partners including PEPEFAR, World Health Organisation and ICAP Global Health.

Worth noting is that in the mid-2000’s, the life expectancy was about 40, making it one of the lowest in the world. This was due to the HIV/AIDS pandemic which was rife in the country.

The 71-page document has informative content in it, which makes a situational analysis in the country, which will prompt the improvement in the Civil Registration Department in the Country.

The Principal Secretary to the Ministry of Home Affairs, Nhlanhla Nxumalo, said the document was compiled to improve the Civil Registration’s service delivery and planning.

“It is the first time for the department to have such an informative document. Please contact the department for more information,” said the PS.

National Civil Registrar Russell Nxumalo said the department was motivated now that it had documented their informed strategic plan.

“It took about eight months to compile this strategy and we will be happy to be launching it soon to stakeholders.

“It is very informed and the plan will guide our officials in the department all over the country,” said Nxumalo.

home affairs

In the foreword, Minister of Home Affairs Princess Lindiwe said the vision of the Ministry of Home Affairs was to be an effective custodian, protector and verifier of status and identity in order to ensure that all citizens have access to their rights and benefits in both the public and private domains.

“In operationalising its vision, the Ministry has developed an Integrated Immigration and Civil Registration System which is being effected through a turnkey project. The effectiveness of the system is predominantly anchored on a synchronized approach to Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS).

“This requires all stakeholders involved in the production and use of vital statistics, to actively collaborate in mobilizing resources, planning and monitoring CRVS interventions at both national and regional levels. A multi-sectorial approach will culminate in a functional and efficient National Civil Registration and Vital Statistics System (CRVS),” said the minister.

She said The Integrated Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Systems (CRVS) Strategy 2022-2027 was aligned to the National Development Agenda stipulated by Vision 2022.

“In addition to placing emphasis on strong multistakeholder coordination in the achievement of planned interventions, the strategy is also prioritizing the modernization and full automation of the CRVS systems.

“The modernization of data systems and business processes will ensure that other systems from Government Ministries and Agencies involved in the production of vital statistics are interoperable with the Ministry’s Civil Registration and Vital Statistics System,” she said.