His Royal Highness Prince Lindani


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By EPN Reporter

Throughout its existence, Lihle Lemaswati has made a contribution to the tune of E4 million in educating the children of Eswatini.

The organisation was established by His Royal Highness Prince Lindani 13 years ago. The intention, among others, is to help the needy children within Eswatini in many ways, including education, which has been identified as one of the pillars to be relied on if a person wants to be successful.

Prince Lindani currently serves as a Member of Parliament (MP), having been appointed to this position by His Majesty King Mswati III in October last year. The E4 million has helped 600 children of Eswatini to go through school.

Last year, the organisation is said to have contributed E544 486 towards the education of 59 needy children in 36 schools in the country. Lihle Lemaswati provides financial assistance to cover school fees, uniforms and other school supplies.

The foundation also works with schools and chiefdoms to identify children who need assistance when it comes to their educational needs. The efforts of the foundation are said to be making a real difference in the lives of children and their families around the country.

Lihle Lemaswati Treasurer Nan Jarvis said they were proud of the positive impact the foundation was making on the lives of the many children in the country.