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MBABANE – Limkokwing University of Creative Technology (LUCT) has announced that results for students have been issued and classes will start from June 17, this year.

Registrations for the new academic year will be done from next week Monday. This good news was announced today (Thursday, June 6, 2024) by LUCT Director Tfobile Gumede, who also appreciated the institution’s stakeholders for supporting efforts to keep the institution operational, despite the prolonged legal strike by some of its employees. Gumede made this announcement during a press briefing held at LUCT.

Gumede said that when the strike started on March 23, 2024 students were writing their examinations, but despite the strike, the university ensured that the completion of the exams was not interrupted, as examination was completed as scheduled.

With the assistance from lecturers, who remained on campus working with academic staff and support departments that worked closely with academics and the support from former lecturers as well as part time lecturers, they ensured that all students’ works were marked and they were able to compile results for the students.

“As of today we are pleased to announce that results have been approved and released on Wednesday June 6, 2024, students can now access their results through the student portal. And now, we are looking at commencing the new semester. From Monday 10 June 2024 the University will be open for registration for all returning students and classes will resume on June 17, 2024,” she said.

The director also thanked the staff that has prioritised the progress and success of the students and ensured that all operations continue despite the strike. “We also want to thank students and parents for being patient with us because the academic calendar has been extended as a result of the strike but we are grateful that we have been able to accomplish that we were supposed to accomplish,” said the director

In conclusion, the administrator expressed gratitude to the Ministry of Education and Training for having helped the institution in times of need. “We also thank the ministry of education for making an effort to find a solution to the impasse and lastly I would like to thank the management team of Limkokwing Eswatini for working together as a solid team to ensure that the strike does not affect the progress of the university since it was the first of its kind.” she said.