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MBABANE- Make way there is a new aesthetic queen in town.

Instagram is well known for its talented creators and aesthetic grid styles. There is no shortage of inspiration to be found on Instagram and Lindokuhle Ngcamphalala is part of the top 10 content creators to look out for in 2023.

Ngcamphalala has been using her account and space offering her followers a breath of fresh air, her page focuses on travel, self-care, and hygiene living among other things.

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With over 1 000 Instagram followers, her account aesthetic is grid style that is comforting and cozy. As she journeys through life and around the world, she shares helpful happiness tips and travel advice that cannot be missed. 

Keeping her photos soft and muted, Lindokuhle’s aesthetic is all things calm.  Whether she is jetting off to a faraway land or camping somewhere rich and green, she always has new lifestyle content to share with her audience. And she is not keen to slow down but eager to learn and appreciate the finer things in life.

When asked if she intentionally got into creating content she responded to the affirmative and said it has been always in her plans. 

“My goal has always been to share what makes me happy and allow others to see a different side of things. I am working towards becoming a creative and hopefully I will get there soon, mostly I consider myself an aesthetic junkie.” She said

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In addition to that she said for anyone who might be wondering, where she gets her creative juices when putting together her content, she said it was the people close to her heart.

“Most of my content if not all I am with people close to me, I find ways to celebrate my connections with them without invading their privacy too much and  allowing myself to collect memories.

“This has led to me being able to spend time with myself as well through content creation.” She said.

When encouraging others to get into content creation she explained that, space for content creation in the country was more than enough.

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 She further said one should take their time, learn their device to make sure they use it to its full potential and have fun.

“Your personality will come out from all the small details where you have fun. Do what you love, it is YOURS, write your story how you want and it is more than alright.” She said.

She further revealed that she draws full inspiration from, ‘Bettysibeso’ and ‘Tezuluu’ and that only time will tell if she will end up with a YouTube channel under her belt.

“Only time will tell. Growth can take you anywhere.” She said.