Love and Games Nov25 Talk


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… As hosted by “Untitled Discourse”


MBABANE – ‘Love & Games: Navigating Relationships, Connections, and Boundaries’.

This is the full topic to be discussed openly by any interested members at the American Space in the Manzini Library tomorrow. The discussion is hosted by Unitled Discourse, which is is an initiative that seeks to help people come together in conversation to learn about and from each other, and inspire one another to collectively work on building healthy communities of value.

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According to the discussion moderator, Zito Mbowa, this is the second discussion to be held under the programme.

“This is the second Untitled Discourse event and given the mission to “bring people together to harness the power of real talk and shared experiences to build healthy lasting communities of value”, I found it necessary to take on a subject on social networks, more introspectively though, because you don’t build a community without building the people first. If the key determinants of a healthy community of value predicate upon relations among its people, it’s probably a good idea to start with topics that hit home,” said Mbowa when discussing the topic of the day.

“I think the story of the human experience is really a story of acceptance or rejection by self or others, quite fundamentally. The differentiator between those who, in the end, have better stories to tell over others is how they responded to acceptance or rejection. So this session is about exploring the values that guide our relationship decisions and social interactions. Another way to think about it, perhaps by way of a question is “what should qualify the people we decide to keep in our lives?””, added Mbowa.

Mbowa added that the conversation is open to anyone keen to learn from others and to respectfully share their own perspectives and lessons.

“The key is to use conversation to build communities of value, which I realize I haven’t defined yet–well, I imagine it as a collective of people with a shared passion to solve a common problem, which they tackle by way of synergy; leveraging their diverse expertise, knowhow and experiences. The prerequisite to a community of value is what I call a position of value, which I define as a state where an individual is well aware of and fully aligned with the conditions affecting his/her environment enough for them to capitalize and proactively create value for themselves and others,” added Mbowa.

Currently, Untitled Discourse sessions take place on the last Saturday of every month in the American Space inside the Manzini Public Library. They are led by guest moderators–individuals with great stories to share or life changing ideas, industry insights, and unconventional perspectives.