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LUBOMBO – The Magadzavane-Mlawula walk preparations are going very well, according to the collaborating organisers. According to Lubombo Regional Administrator, Themba Msibi, the walk is serves both as a philanthropic fundraiser, as well as an opportunity for walkers to appreciate the beauty of the Lubombo.

“The goal of the hike is not just to hike but to raise some funds and help out where we see gaps in the area,” remarked Msibi.

His words were echoed by Siteki Municipality CEO, Sithembile Simelane, when she said “in light of that, we have this walk where people hike up the mountain. In addition to exercising for health, this walk also helps us mobilise resources so we can address the social needs of the people we live with in this region”.

The organisers met today to discuss the event and share information with the media. ECO Lubombo Chairperson Norman Sgwane revealed that the last walk in 2019 raised money which was used to buy shoes for 21 schools. He expressed appreciation to the nation for the growth of the walk before revealing the details of this year’s walk.

“We will walk for different distances. There is a 20KM walk for those with stamina, and 6KM for those with less stamina”, Sgwane revealed. The Magadzavane-Mlawula walk will be on the 28th of August this year.