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Fort Worth – Mbabane sister relationship continues to bear fruits. 

MBABANE – Mbabane Mayor Dephney Mhlanga has welcomed a delegation from Fort Worth.

The Mayor officially met the delegation of 10 on Monday evening. Fort Worth is a town in Texas, United States Of America, that has a sister city relationship with the Municipal Council of Mbabane that has seen Mbabane residents benefit immensely from the strategic relationship. According to a 2022 United States census estimate, Fort Worth’s population was 958,692.

“It is my singular honour to welcome our special friends from our sister city, Forth Worth on what is a very special day for the people of the city of Mbabane. We are pleased to reconnect with old friends and rekindle the friendships that we have nurtured over the years of existence of Mbabane’s flagship sister city relationship,” said Mayor Mhlanga.

The Fort Worth delegation at the Mantenga Cultural Village yesterday morning.

The Mayor stated that the delegation’s visit is a proud moment for herself and the residents of Mbabane because the relationship has positively impacted the lives of Emaswati. Through the Fort Worth – Mbabane relationship, a donation of the 293 wheelchairs were donated to eMaswati, an initiative that involved Rotary clubs from Eswatini and Fort Worth.


“Mae and the entire delegation we cannot thank you enough for what the Fort Worth – Mbabane sister relationship has done for the people of Mbabane. It fills me with utmost joy to look at the success and impact of the international leadership academy that has over the years been the fountain of knowledge and wisdom that continues to nourish our school going youth,” said the Mayor.

 Mhlanga added that Mbabane is hopeful that the benefit is both ways because that is the chief objective of strategic exchanges.

“We are confident that our vibrant and colourful culture rubs off onto Texans as much as there is an apparent growing Texan influence on the delegations that have participated in the cultural exchange programme. The city of Mbabane is excited to be sending yet another delegation in July 2023 to participate in yet another International Leadership Academy (ILA),” said the Mayor.

Mhlanga pointed out that the delegation’s periodic visits to Eswatini are an event of significant importance to eMaswati as not only does it refreshes relations but also brings to full circle programmes birthed by the Fort Worth – Mbabane sister city relationship.


MBABANE – The Minister of Housing and Urban Development, Prince Simelane sent off the libutfo representing all municipalities to participate in the buganu ceremony at Buhleni Royal Residence.

The Minister of Housing Prince Simelane (right) dances as he watches the regiment before departure to Buhleni Royal residence while the Principal Secretary Clifford Mamba (left) also joins the Minister in song and dance.

The combined regiment from different municipalities caught in song before departure.